Easynet Complaints and Problems handling process

  • This process is for any problem you have with internet provision, email, web hosting, or billing and payment processing

  • It is for business, and private customers, past or present

  • Easynet does not charge for investigating your complaint or technical problem to identify its nature. Under most circumstances there is no charge to resolve the complaint.

  • If a fault was found to be in your premises in your equipment or computer, then we may offer to attend site and fix it. A fee estimate would be provided. Same if you are having trouble using your computer or applications and desire training

  • We do not use a fault numbering scheme. With so few faults we prefer to keep working on the problem until resolved, so this is not necessary.

  • The person in Easynet who receives your complaint deals with it start to end.

The Recommended process:
  • Calling us by phone during office hours is the quickest way to describe problems and have then deal with. You can email to us and request email response, but we prefer phone as we can ask questions in real time, change settings and perform tests, and get the instant feedback from you as to the result. This way both technical and accounts problems can usually be dealt with and fixed during the call. (Emails are preferably sent form your @easy.com.au email address to protect and verify your identity)
  • Often you will prefer to use a friend, technician, or other authorised representative to talk to us who may thus be able to express and work on the problem more effectively. This is perfectly acceptable. We expect you to come on the phone first to introduce them so we know they are authorised. (In most cases we will recongnise your voice, otherwise we may need to ask you questions to prove who you are
  • If our accounts system is blocking you we will normally temporarily immediately unblock the account and then indicate how long it will take us to research the reason and get back to you
  • If we need to, test your mail box, increase your total server storage, or perform technical investigations, we will provide an indication of how long this may take during your initial call. Depending on the nature of the problem and if it is interfering with your service, the time may be minutes or hours, or for some problems longer.
  • If you are experiencing an outage, and the cause is at our end (or in the network) then it is our policy to advise the problem is ours so you don't waste time investigating a fault at your end that is not there. We will endeavour to provide as much information as we have as to how long the problem may continue, and if it is an upstream problem out of our control, you can request we call you as soon as we become aware that it is resolved.
  • If your complaint is about degraded or unreliable connection or email we do not want you to just accept a partial solution. If is not fixed as good as can be then we expect you to contact us again to get full resolution.
Unresolved Complaints: Industry bodies you can complain to about ISPs:

The one that has the most teeth and can act on your behalf, rule in your favor, and fine ISPs severely is the TIO. However it will only get involved after you have given your ISP reasonable opportunity to resolve the problem. If you have services with an ISP and they are not doing the right thing, or have draconian invoicing practices or terms, complain to the TIO to get satisfaction, and then move your business to us. (Assuming we are not the offenders) 


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